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When I came to UMBC in 1987, Chris Peregoy was already a fixture, an icon, and a mythic presence in the photography area of Visual Arts. He still is. Chris was an undergraduate photography major 1979-81. How many years ago is that? He never left... and I can only speak for myself, but I am glad he stayed. He is a colleague, teacher, mentor, and close friend to so many people who have passed through UMBC. This photo was taken just now, November of 2015, and Chris is still enthralled with photography. Here he is in one of a very few photogrammetry high-res scanning rigs in the world (at UMBC no less) showcasing early 20th century photography. That is the Chris that I have had the honor of working with for 30 years. If this post starts a thread of Chris Peregoy stories, so be it....

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Mark J. '11

#Looks like a lot of cameras.

Richard B. '86

#Terrific UMBC story!

Benjamin N. '17

It's a little blinding too, because the flashes all go at once! :O