Welcome to Retriever Stories. We are currently in beta. Please take a quick survey to tell us about your experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I login?

You can log in to Retriever Stories by using or creating a myUMBC account. If you are an alumnus/a and you do not currently have a myUMBC account, you can create one here. If you are having trouble accessing your existing myUMBC account, please contact us at retrieverstories@umbc.edu, and we will assist you.

You may also use your Facebook, Google, Twitter, or LinkedIn account to log in to the site. Simply select that option during the login process.

How do I share a story?

In order to share a story, you will need to first login to the site. Then, simply click the “add story” button that appears at the top right of the site.

Can I upload a video?

At this time, we are not able to host videos on the Retriever Stories website. You are, however, welcome to link to videos hosted on sites such as YouTube and Vimeo.

How can I make sure my photos look good on the site?

We encourage you to upload photos at are at least 1024 pixels wide and square, if possible. Photos are limited to 8mb or smaller.

What are tags and how do I add them to a story?

After you type your story (and add photo, if you'd like), you’ll see a field where you can add "tags" to your story. Tags are one of the ways that we'll be organizing stories on the site, and they might include things like the year your story occurred or the place where it happened. In order to add tags, simply type in a the first tag you’d like and then hit tab or insert a comma. This will create your tag. Repeat to add more.

How do I delete my account?

If you'd like to remove your account, please email us at retrieverstories@umbc.edu and we will assist you.

Someone has posted content that I find objectionable. What can I do about this?

Occasionally, comments on Retriever Stories remind us of the tension that can exist between two values of great importance to our campus and our society - freedom of speech and civility. As a campus, we encourage discussion of difficult issues and wish to protect the rights of individuals to express their views. At the same time, we place great value on, and strongly encourage, respect and civility as we communicate with each other. We encourage you to dismantle negative speech through argument rather than censorship.

If you have further concerns, you may contact us at retrieverstories@umbc.edu. We also encourage you to review our Terms of Service.